30 Reasons Why Young Kids Should Learn English


To celebrate 30 years of Helen Doron English, we are featuring a series of blog posts, each with a list of 30 helpful tools for parents and teachers to use and share.

This week’s post features 30 reasons young children should learn English. Can you add to this list?


  1. If taught properly, learning English is fun!
  2. Babies effortlessly learn English as they soak it up like a sponge.
  3. Young children have the ability to learn foreign language accent-free, while older children, especially after the age of 10-12 will almost never learn to speak English without an accent.
  4. Being bilingual makes them smarter.
  5. Even at an early age, bilingual children show greater understanding of shapes and patterns.
  6. English is the official language of 53 countries.
  7. More than 750 million people speak English, either as a first or a second language
  8. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English!
  9. By learning English, you open a window to other cultures.
  10. Being bilingual means having total control of two languages.
  11. English is the international language of communication and is used by hundreds of millions around the globe for entertainment, commercial and technical purposes.
  12. English is the language of the internet and computers.
  13. English is the language of aviation.
  14. English is the language of science.
  15. English is the language of diplomacy.
  16. English is the language of tourism.
  17. English is the language of many textbooks and universities around the world.
  18. Knowing English improves your native language skills, as well.
  19. Bilinguals are good at ignoring distractions and better at problem solving than monolinguals.
  20. Traveling and living abroad is a much more enjoyable and rich experience if you can communicate with local people and/or other tourists freely in English.
  21. Increased job opportunities and higher salaries are proven outcomes to multi-language learning.
  22. Communicating in English can increase the earning power of individuals by 25%.
  23. Knowing English means they can understand all of the songs they hear on the radio
  24. Knowing English means they can understand and be understood almost everywhere in the world
  25. Knowing English means they don’t have to use Google Translate
  26. Knowing English means they can watch movies in the original language
  27. Knowing English means they can work in a foreign country
  28. A speaker of two languages can think up two or more phrases or words for each idea and object, and can utilize this talent to sharpen personal creativity.
  29. The majority of the world’s business conversations now take place between non-native English speakers—in English.
  30. Knowing English means they can speak to Queen Elizabeth if they meet her in the street!




30 Reasons Why Young Kids Should Learn English


To celebrate 30 years of Helen Doron English, we are featuring a series of blog posts, each with a list of 30 helpful tools for parents and teachers to use and share.

This week’s post features 30 reasons young children should learn English. Can you add to this list?


  1. If taught properly, learning English is fun!
  2. Babies effortlessly learn English as they soak it up like a sponge.
  3. Young children have the ability to learn foreign language accent-free, while older children, especially after the age of 10-12 will almost never learn to speak English without an accent.
  4. Being bilingual makes them smarter.
  5. Even at an early age, bilingual children show greater understanding of shapes and patterns.
  6. English is the official language of 53 countries.
  7. More than 750 million people speak English, either as a first or a second language
  8. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English!
  9. By learning English, you open a window to other cultures.
  10. Being bilingual means having total control of two languages.
  11. English is the international language of communication and is used by hundreds of millions around the globe for entertainment, commercial and technical purposes.
  12. English is the language of the internet and computers.
  13. English is the language of aviation.
  14. English is the language of science.
  15. English is the language of diplomacy.
  16. English is the language of tourism.
  17. English is the language of many textbooks and universities around the world.
  18. Knowing English improves your native language skills, as well.
  19. Bilinguals are good at ignoring distractions and better at problem solving than monolinguals.
  20. Traveling and living abroad is a much more enjoyable and rich experience if you can communicate with local people and/or other tourists freely in English.
  21. Increased job opportunities and higher salaries are proven outcomes to multi-language learning.
  22. Communicating in English can increase the earning power of individuals by 25%.
  23. Knowing English means they can understand all of the songs they hear on the radio
  24. Knowing English means they can understand and be understood almost everywhere in the world
  25. Knowing English means they don’t have to use Google Translate
  26. Knowing English means they can watch movies in the original language
  27. Knowing English means they can work in a foreign country
  28. A speaker of two languages can think up two or more phrases or words for each idea and object, and can utilize this talent to sharpen personal creativity.
  29. The majority of the world’s business conversations now take place between non-native English speakers—in English.
  30. Knowing English means they can speak to Queen Elizabeth if they meet her in the street!