30 de las palabras más raras en inglés

Helen Doron cumple 30 años. Para celebrarlo, os presentamos una serie de artículos en los que compartimos, con padres y profesores, herramientas útiles y divertidas con las que enseñar inglés a nuestros hijos. Para comenzar, 30 de las palabras más raras en inglés que podemos encontrar en Oxford English Dictionary.

1. Backwash, n. (en español: retrolavado)
The passing of water or other liquid through a filter in the reverse direction to normal flow in order to flush it clean; an instance of this. Also: Liquid used in such a process.

2. Baked Potato, n. (en español: patata asada)
A potato baked whole and served in its skin.

3. Beatboxer, n. (en español: no existe, se toma el mismo término beatboxer)
A performer who uses (amplified) vocal effects to imitate the sounds and rhythms of hip-hop music.

4. Bestie, n. (en español: mejor amiga)
A person’s best friend; a very close friend.

5. Bitcoin, n. (en español: bitcoin)
(A proprietary name for) a digital payment system introduced in 2009, having its own unit of account; the unit of account of this system.

6. Blobfish, n. (en español: pez borrón, pez gota o janira)
Any of several bottom-dwelling deep-sea fishes of the family Psychrolutidae (fathead sculpins), which have large heads; spec. Psychrolutes marcidus of Australian and New Zealand waters, having gelatinous flesh and (once brought to the surface) a distinctive sagging face.

7. BYOD, n. (en español: no existe)
Bring your own device, the policy or practice of allowing employees, customers, etc., to connect to an organization’s network using their own smartphones, computers, etc.

8. Citrusy, adj. (en español: cítrico)
Of a smell, taste, or colour: characteristic or suggestive of citrus fruit. Also: having such a smell, taste, or colour.

9. Conlang, n (en español: idioma artificia o ideolengua)
An artificially created language.

10. Crap shoot, n. (en español: azar)
A situation or undertaking regarded as uncertain, risky, or unpredictable.

11. Evil genius, n. (en español: malvado)
A malevolent spirit imagined as accompanying a person and seeking to influence him or her to do evil, and often paired with an opposed benevolent spirit; (in extended use) a person who exerts an evil influence; a person with an exceptional capacity for wrongdoing or malevolence; (also) a highly intelligent criminal or villain.

12. First World problem, n. (en español: problemas del primer mundo)
A problem affecting the First World and its inhabitants; spec. a cause of frustration or dissatisfaction regarded as trivial, and arising only as a result of the economic and social privilege, access to technology, etc., associated with the First World.

13. Flexitarian, n. (en español: flexivegetariano)
A person who follows a primarily but not strictly vegetarian diet.

14. Godzooks, int. (en español: algo parecido a «cáspita»)
Expressing surprise, alarm, frustration, etc.

15. Group hug, n. (en español: abrazo de grupo)
A hug shared by three or more people in a group, typically as an expression of support or solidarity.

16. Hashtag, n. (en español: se usa hashtag)
(On social media web sites and applications) a word or phrase preceded by a hash and used to identify messages relating to a specific topic; (also) the hash symbol itself, when used in this way.

17. High muckety-muck, n. (en español: pez gordo)
A person of high status and influence; an important person, a bigwig.

18. Hip-hopping, n. adj. (en español: rapear)
The action of hip-hop. Of or relating to hip-hop; that hip-hops.

19. Honky-tonker, n. (en español: no existe)
A person who owns, works in, or frequents a honky-tonk (honky-tonk n. 1). Also: a performer of honky-tonk music.

20. Pescatarian, n. adj. (en español: pesco-vegetariano)
A person who eats fish but avoids eating meat; esp. someone who includes fish in an otherwise vegetarian diet. Keeping to a diet which includes fish but not meat; of or relating to pescatarians or their practices.

21. Sciency, adj. (en español: no existe)
Of a somewhat scientific or technical nature; (also) having an interest in or aptitude for science.

22. Selfie, n. (en español: selfie)
A photographic self-portrait; esp. one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.

23. Skype, v. (en español: conversar por skype)
To have a spoken conversation over the Internet using Skype software, freq. while viewing live images of one another on a computer screen or mobile device. Also with in, into: to participate in a conversation or event in another location by using Skype software.

24. TBH, n. (en español: ser honesto)
(Orig. and chiefly in online and electronic communication) to be honest.

25. TP, n. v. (en español: papel higiénico)
Toilet paper; To cover (a building, trees, etc.) with toilet paper, typically as a prank.

26. Un-PC, adj. (en español: políticamente correcto)
Not politically correct.

27. Upcycling, n. (en español: reciclar, convertir en algo mejor)
The operation or process of reusing waste materials to create a product of higher value or quality; (more generally) the action or process of repurposing or renovating an old or unwanted item to make it more attractive, valuable, etc.

28. Wackadoodle, n. adj. (en español: excéntrico)
Alteration of wackadoo. Crazy, mad; eccentric.

29. Wardrobe malfunction, n. (en español: no existe)
An instance of an article of a person’s clothing slipping out of position, tearing, etc., so as to expose part of the wearer’s body and cause embarrassment.

30. YOLO (en español: sólo se vive una vez)
You only live once!




30 de las palabras más raras en inglés

Helen Doron cumple 30 años. Para celebrarlo, os presentamos una serie de artículos en los que compartimos, con padres y profesores, herramientas útiles y divertidas con las que enseñar inglés a nuestros hijos. Para comenzar, 30 de las palabras más raras en inglés que podemos encontrar en Oxford English Dictionary.

1. Backwash, n. (en español: retrolavado)
The passing of water or other liquid through a filter in the reverse direction to normal flow in order to flush it clean; an instance of this. Also: Liquid used in such a process.

2. Baked Potato, n. (en español: patata asada)
A potato baked whole and served in its skin.

3. Beatboxer, n. (en español: no existe, se toma el mismo término beatboxer)
A performer who uses (amplified) vocal effects to imitate the sounds and rhythms of hip-hop music.

4. Bestie, n. (en español: mejor amiga)
A person’s best friend; a very close friend.

5. Bitcoin, n. (en español: bitcoin)
(A proprietary name for) a digital payment system introduced in 2009, having its own unit of account; the unit of account of this system.

6. Blobfish, n. (en español: pez borrón, pez gota o janira)
Any of several bottom-dwelling deep-sea fishes of the family Psychrolutidae (fathead sculpins), which have large heads; spec. Psychrolutes marcidus of Australian and New Zealand waters, having gelatinous flesh and (once brought to the surface) a distinctive sagging face.

7. BYOD, n. (en español: no existe)
Bring your own device, the policy or practice of allowing employees, customers, etc., to connect to an organization’s network using their own smartphones, computers, etc.

8. Citrusy, adj. (en español: cítrico)
Of a smell, taste, or colour: characteristic or suggestive of citrus fruit. Also: having such a smell, taste, or colour.

9. Conlang, n (en español: idioma artificia o ideolengua)
An artificially created language.

10. Crap shoot, n. (en español: azar)
A situation or undertaking regarded as uncertain, risky, or unpredictable.

11. Evil genius, n. (en español: malvado)
A malevolent spirit imagined as accompanying a person and seeking to influence him or her to do evil, and often paired with an opposed benevolent spirit; (in extended use) a person who exerts an evil influence; a person with an exceptional capacity for wrongdoing or malevolence; (also) a highly intelligent criminal or villain.

12. First World problem, n. (en español: problemas del primer mundo)
A problem affecting the First World and its inhabitants; spec. a cause of frustration or dissatisfaction regarded as trivial, and arising only as a result of the economic and social privilege, access to technology, etc., associated with the First World.

13. Flexitarian, n. (en español: flexivegetariano)
A person who follows a primarily but not strictly vegetarian diet.

14. Godzooks, int. (en español: algo parecido a «cáspita»)
Expressing surprise, alarm, frustration, etc.

15. Group hug, n. (en español: abrazo de grupo)
A hug shared by three or more people in a group, typically as an expression of support or solidarity.

16. Hashtag, n. (en español: se usa hashtag)
(On social media web sites and applications) a word or phrase preceded by a hash and used to identify messages relating to a specific topic; (also) the hash symbol itself, when used in this way.

17. High muckety-muck, n. (en español: pez gordo)
A person of high status and influence; an important person, a bigwig.

18. Hip-hopping, n. adj. (en español: rapear)
The action of hip-hop. Of or relating to hip-hop; that hip-hops.

19. Honky-tonker, n. (en español: no existe)
A person who owns, works in, or frequents a honky-tonk (honky-tonk n. 1). Also: a performer of honky-tonk music.

20. Pescatarian, n. adj. (en español: pesco-vegetariano)
A person who eats fish but avoids eating meat; esp. someone who includes fish in an otherwise vegetarian diet. Keeping to a diet which includes fish but not meat; of or relating to pescatarians or their practices.

21. Sciency, adj. (en español: no existe)
Of a somewhat scientific or technical nature; (also) having an interest in or aptitude for science.

22. Selfie, n. (en español: selfie)
A photographic self-portrait; esp. one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.

23. Skype, v. (en español: conversar por skype)
To have a spoken conversation over the Internet using Skype software, freq. while viewing live images of one another on a computer screen or mobile device. Also with in, into: to participate in a conversation or event in another location by using Skype software.

24. TBH, n. (en español: ser honesto)
(Orig. and chiefly in online and electronic communication) to be honest.

25. TP, n. v. (en español: papel higiénico)
Toilet paper; To cover (a building, trees, etc.) with toilet paper, typically as a prank.

26. Un-PC, adj. (en español: políticamente correcto)
Not politically correct.

27. Upcycling, n. (en español: reciclar, convertir en algo mejor)
The operation or process of reusing waste materials to create a product of higher value or quality; (more generally) the action or process of repurposing or renovating an old or unwanted item to make it more attractive, valuable, etc.

28. Wackadoodle, n. adj. (en español: excéntrico)
Alteration of wackadoo. Crazy, mad; eccentric.

29. Wardrobe malfunction, n. (en español: no existe)
An instance of an article of a person’s clothing slipping out of position, tearing, etc., so as to expose part of the wearer’s body and cause embarrassment.

30. YOLO (en español: sólo se vive una vez)
You only live once!

